Akka.Net Actor Life Cycle and Hook Methods

Actor Life Cycle The following is the life cycle of an actor, including any hook methods. Starting Actor initializes. PreStart() hook method is called. Receiving Messages Actor is up and now able to process messages. Stopping Actor cleans up. PostStop() hook method is called, if actor is terminating. PreRestart() hook method is called, if actor […]

How To: Show System Information Just Like phpinfo()

PHP has functionality to show you the current running configuration of your application and the system it is running on by just calling phpinfo().  It is simple to do this.  Just create a file in your site with the following code: <?php phpinfo(); ?> Unfortunately, ASP.NET MVC does not provide this functionality.  So what I […]

Standardized Country and State Class Objects

How many times have you felt like you are just re-inventing the wheel as you code?  You have to look up ISO standards, ask Google questions to find your answer and sometimes you just have to create something from scratch.  I felt this way when I needed to add countries, states and/or provinces to my […]